Mysterious Tibet.

Closed on all sides from the outside wall of high mountains, Tibet has always been a mystery. For most of its history, the country was closed to foreigners, not only because of the impassable mountain passes, but also because of the political situation. For many years the entrance to the limits of the Tibetan Plateau has been closed because of fears that foreign visitors will bring war and destruction. But, nevertheless, a rare and brave adventurers still managed to take into Tibet.

They returned home, bringing with them tales of strange mysterious rites, never seen before. Around the world, legends of powerful magicians, capable of causing hurricanes and earthquakes. And, of course - tales of the legendary Shambhala, a country of knowledge and justice, home to powerful people enlightened.
Even in the early XX century, little was known about Tibet. Foreigners are still not able to penetrate the housetop of the world. NK Roerich, was keenly interested in the East, who had a direct relation to Buddhism, traveled almost the whole of Central Asia, was arrested on his expedition to the northern border of Tibet. It was only after a long winter on the snowy heights, losing strength and most of the animals of the caravan, he received permission to proceed by the shortest route to India, bypassing the Tibetan capital Lhasa. Impressed by sad experience to visit Tibet, Roerich expedition doctor describes in his diary, extreme anger, which had Roerich as a result of a meeting with Tibet and Tibetans. The book containing these diaries came out in print under the title "debunk Tibet." Of course, the cause of deplorable results of this expedition was in an extremely tense political situation around Tibet at that time. Shortly before the British Empire by force attempted to extend colonial rule in Tibet. Had their interests in the region, Russia and America. Roerich expedition was simply a victim of political intrigues, the great powers played out, put considerable pressure on the government of Tibet.

However, there were positive moments in the history of the study of Tibet. Shortly before the expedition Roerich, Alexandra David-Neel made her way to Tibet under the guise of a nun. It was a brave, selfless in their aspirations woman who owned the great Tibetan language. She managed to get close to influential people of Tibet, to achieve their patronage, and come to study with famous masters of Tibet. She was awarded the title of Lama, which is certainly a unique fact. Over the years, his travels, David-Neel wrote some interesting books about the life and culture of Tibet, as well as the philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism. However, the topic of Tibetan philosophy was still unfamiliar in the West.
After the communist revolution in China, the liberation of the Chinese People's Army invaded the country. The Dalai Lama fled to India. Behind him followed by many teachers and monks. It seems that the prediction of the great Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism to Tibet, came to pass. In one of his texts have been told that when the steel birds will appear in the sky, and the army of aliens take over the country, the sacred Dharma (the so-called teachings of the Buddha) spreading around the world. As it is not sad, but thanks to the Chinese occupation of Tibet, many people living in the West, had the opportunity to get acquainted with Vajrayana, from Chariots of Higher Buddhist teachings.

After the Chinese invasion of Tibet visit was also difficult. Numerous riots in Lhasa and other cities ended with the ruthless suppression, so the Chinese government did not want to let in the country of foreigners, fearing that they would witness the event.
In recent years, travel to Tibet opened, but to visit many places in Tibet requires special permission. In this case the situation in Tibet every year compounded - more and more political persecution, many churches and monasteries were gradually transformed into a museum. Recovering destroyed during the Cultural Revolution of values ??aims to gather more tourists.

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